For a long time most of our population think that waste is something invaluable and it can be thrown away without hesitation! In fact, in the agricultural economy, waste is mostly organic material which can be disintegrated quickly in nature and the environment impact is not very important. In an industrial society, the waste composition is very complicated with various characters, in which some substances can exist very long time and badly affecting to the environment. Waste in general and industrial waste in particular has a value as a natural resource (raw material), if we know how to exploit and use it effectively, it will bring us economic and environmental benefit.

Our country is on the way of industrialization and modernization. The IXth congress of the Party has affirmed the determination to push up industrialization so that in the year 2020 our country will basically become an industrial country. To fulfil this task it is necessary to equip our people with industrial style and knowledge in which the knowledge of waste economics is especially indispensable. Therefore, it is necessary to prepare teaching waste economics as a subject in higher and postgraduate education so that in the coming years, the students graduated from universities will be equipped sufficiently knowledge of this field which will be a good contribution to the sustainable development of the country.
Sustainable development is a demand of industrialization and modernization in any country. Sustainable development should be in harmony in all three fields: social, economic and environment. The environment issues are put parallel with economic development. If there are not timely environment protection measures, the sustainable development of a country will be threatened .
In the field of waste economics, the experiences from the developed countries show that the approach of pipe-end style, i.e. collecting and processing waste at the end of production and consumption, becomes backwards and unsuitable because of the following reasons: not active, less effective and the collecting and processing capacity can not keep up the daily increase of waste in production and consumption. A new approach, more advanced, applied by many countries in waste management is that of prevention. By that way, waste is under control all the time from the generation to the disposal in landfill. Waste is considered to be an element in economy and waste economics becomes an indispensable part in the national economy. A new scientific field, waste economics is formed as a linkage between economics and environment sciences. As mentioned above, the concept of waste economics is still new for our country. Therefore, for a sustainable development of the country, we should soon include this field as a subject taught in higher education. The knowledge of waste economics will help the students to approach the information on waste economics and then to contribute to environment protection and sustainable development of the country in particular, and of the world in general…