“2 in 1” LPG-Gasoline Tank
LPG-petrol dual fuel motorcycles have been renovated from petrol motorcycles available. It is required to keep unchanged the model and structure of the motorcycles. Therefore, installing LPG tanks fit on the motorcycles was a big challenge. GATEC research group have carried out research to make LPG-petrol “2 in 1” fuel tanks for motorcycles.

1. Manufacturing LPG tanks:
LPG tanksare made of stainless steel or high-strength steel. The bottom of the tank is pressed with a 50-ton machine and then welded by a CO2 protected tool. Automatic jigs ensure welding quality. After processing, the LPG tanks are taken for testing the resistance with a pressure of 50 bars.

2. Manufactured “2 in 1” LPG-petrol fuel tank
Original petrol tank of the motorcycle is cut in the lid to place LPG container inside. After positioning, the lid is welded to the fuel tank as the original one (Figure). The designed fuel tank “2 in 1” contains a smaller LPG tank inside and the left space of the tank is for reserved petrol.

3.Installing “2 in 1” LPG-Petrol tank in dual fuel motorcycle
After fabrication, “2 in 1” fuel tank is installed in place of the old tank. The LPG outlet is connected to the pressure reducer, from which LPG is led to LPG-air mixer. The fuel tank outlet is connected to the float chamber as before renovation.
After installing “2 in 1’ LPG-Petrol fuel tank, the motorcycles keep unchanged its model and structure. This research work has been awarded patent # 6643 by Intellectual Property Agency.

English Translation by RP